Welcome to Atmospheric Convection and Dynamics Group!

The Atmospheric Convection and Dynamics Group at IDPCS, IIT Bombay focuses on understanding diverse atmospheric phenomena elucidated by atmospheric dynamics and thermodynamics. This includes weather and climate extremes, the South-Asian summer monsoon and tropical-extratropical interactions. We are hiring!!! Please find more details below.

This group is led by Akshaya Nikumbh. She joined IIT Bombay as an assistant professor in January, 2024. Prior to joing IIT Bombay, she was a postdoctoral research associate at Princeton University from October 2021- December 2023. She received her BE in electronics and telecommunication from Pune university, and PhD in atmospheric science from IISc Bangalore. If you are interested in working on climate science using and developing diverse tools, data, and theory, you can reach out at akshaya.nikumbh@iitb.ac.in. Currently, we are looking for interns, JRFs, PhDs and postdocs.

January 1, 2024

Akshaya joins IIT Bombay

Akshaya joins the Interdisciplinary Program in Climate Studies (IDPCS), IIT Bombay as a fifth core faculty.

December 6, 2023

GFDL lunchtime seminar

Akshaya gave a seminar on her postdoc work of using GFDL's AM4 model for simulation of organization of tropical convection and precipitation extremes

December 8, 2023

NOAA PSL visit

Akshaya gave a seminar on "Impacts of changing horizontal resolution on the organization of tropical convection" at NOAA, PSL tropical dyncamics group

October 25, 2023

NCAR visit

Akshaya gave a seminar on "Does increasing horizontal resolution improve the simulation of intense tropical rainfall?" at CAS, NCAR, Boulder